
For a minute

K can we talk about this for a minute?
What does love mean to you?
Other than the obvious, like you're really into each other, but what do you do when you guys have different views on how to raise your children?
On him always leaving the toilet seat up?
'Sorry honey, I had 4 brothers so I'm used to leaving it up'
On what color your room should be?
You want it purple, yellow and brown, he wants it black, won't even let you go all Twilight-esh on it.
You should have married Taylor Lautner.
I'm sure he would at least want it brown or something. 
Black, by definition, is the absence of color.
So it's not even a color.
Don't get me wrong, I like to wear black, because it's slimming, but it would be depressing to have a black room.
What are we, vampires?
What about when you argue over what you should name your kid?
You want Edward because that's your grandpa's name, but he wants Dexter?
What then?
He doesn't even have a reason why.
What about when you don't like how he fathers your kids?
He's a pushover, leaving you to be the stickler?
Shouldn't you be a United Front?
Together we stand?
See? These are the thoughts that keep me up at night, and I don't even know why.
It's not like I've ever seriously dated anyone. 
I've only for real dated the one guy before my accident so it's like it never even happened, because I was a totally different girl before my accident.
That's the part that kills me the most.
Love to me is when you put another's wants and needs above your own.
Love is when he is fundamental to your survival.
Love is when he knows you can't dance so he'll spend hours on end teaching you how to. 
Love is when if you're not happy, neither is he.
Love is when he can tell you're not happy just by looking at you, standing there hands on hips, one hip cocked out like you've just had it with everyone.
Love is when he knows you have to work so he makes your lunch, leaving little notes in it like 'I love you' or 'you look amazing'
Yeah, that's what love is.


a real woman can do it all by herself, but a real man won't let her.
i would rather die of passion than die of boredom.
a bad attitude is like a flat tire; you can't go anywhere till you change it.
your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
what comes easy, won't last and what lasts, won't come easy.
today is the first blank page of a 365 book. write a good one.
listen to your heart, even if it takes you all the way to California.
i mean, i could have done my homework today, but i also could have committed murder. so there's that.
it is what it is.
at the beach, life is different; time doesn't move hour to hour, but rather, mood to moment. we move with the currents, play by the tides, and follow the sun.
its not whether you win or lose. its whether or not you have the balls to fight.
everytime i fall, i get back up again.
you dont got to lie, just keep going faster babe, faster babe, why? im on your side, just keep going faster babe, faster bye bye...you just gotta speed a little faster when you drive.
it's all a part of bein young in the two thousand somethin
i don't believe in love at first sight, i believe in makin love tonight.
love notes, written on the streets in chalk, she's a run away train, with a strut in her walk, broken glass in the gutter, yelling at your mother, on the pay phone saying you'll be back by the summer, she's with me now mama, she's with me now mama.
before youre old and wise, gotta be young and dumb.
so we give em a reason, come and catch us, but dont hold your breath.