
the problem is...

i know i need new stuff to write about
i know you all are sick of hearing about that day
i know Jake emailed me a list of like 700 things to blog about
but i also know that i dont read the news or buy gifts that turn out to be mistakes.
there was the one idea that was the last activity after which you collapsed into a chair or bed, too exhausted to move, without using the words exhausted or tired and that was yesterday for me. i had the genius idea to hike to sliding rock in Alpine, only sliding rock isnt even a thing anymore. some commercial company bought that land and closed it off. i wasnt aware, probably because i dont read the news, and so i got everyone all excited about it and so we go to hike it and im talking a big game, only im talking to my shoes because i had to watch where i was going (safety first) and thinking 'damn it all to hell, i should have worn my bathing suit'. but as it turns out, there is no turn off to go to sliding rock, because there is no sliding rock anymore. i mean, im sure the sliding rock is still there, just whatever company bought that land covered the trail. anyways, going up was a piece of cake; it was coming down that sucked. gravity is a bitch, after all, and my mom was on my case about 'taking bigger steps'. like im sorry, mom, but if i take bigger steps, i get ahead of myself and fall. im pretty sure ive received enough battle wounds to last the whole family a fucking lifetime. at least the car ride home was pretty quiet, as we were all so fatigued. when we got home, i didnt really care that i was hot and sweaty and still wearing the clothes i hiked in. i was so drained that i just got in my bed at 12:25 and didnt wake up until 8:30. best nap ever. i mean, i still could go back to sleep for like 4 more hours, but when i woke up atfter that nap yesterday, i felt the best ive ever felt. lets not go try to play that again anytime soon. i did say "lets do this once a week" cause it was such a work out but weve already done it this week. is anyone else as hungry as i am?


a real woman can do it all by herself, but a real man won't let her.
i would rather die of passion than die of boredom.
a bad attitude is like a flat tire; you can't go anywhere till you change it.
your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
what comes easy, won't last and what lasts, won't come easy.
today is the first blank page of a 365 book. write a good one.
listen to your heart, even if it takes you all the way to California.
i mean, i could have done my homework today, but i also could have committed murder. so there's that.
it is what it is.
at the beach, life is different; time doesn't move hour to hour, but rather, mood to moment. we move with the currents, play by the tides, and follow the sun.
its not whether you win or lose. its whether or not you have the balls to fight.
everytime i fall, i get back up again.
you dont got to lie, just keep going faster babe, faster babe, why? im on your side, just keep going faster babe, faster bye bye...you just gotta speed a little faster when you drive.
it's all a part of bein young in the two thousand somethin
i don't believe in love at first sight, i believe in makin love tonight.
love notes, written on the streets in chalk, she's a run away train, with a strut in her walk, broken glass in the gutter, yelling at your mother, on the pay phone saying you'll be back by the summer, she's with me now mama, she's with me now mama.
before youre old and wise, gotta be young and dumb.
so we give em a reason, come and catch us, but dont hold your breath.