I'm here in this new house, that's closer to a lot of things than my old one was.
I'm here, still wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday.
My moving clothes.
The clothes I answered the door in that the shirt has orange marker all over it.
I'm here, taking the plate of cookies that the teachers made us for mutual.
I'm here, eating one of those cookies, offering Emma half, to which she just breaks off part of and says this is all I need, and then eats my last third of a cookie.
I'm here, shaking my head at sisters.
I have 6 of them, so I'd know.
I'm here, missing you, who is not here.
I'm here, counting the days until I can see you again. Which is two, in case you forgot.
I'm here, kind of hungry but we don't really have any food.
I'm here wondering how long I can live off of fruit snacks for before I run into a diahrreas since Easters problem.
And then I'm here wondering if we even have that many things of fruit snacks.
I'm here idly wondering how many days I can stay in this pair of clothes for before it becomes a problem.
I'm here thinking about you.
When am I not, really.
I'm here remembering how happy you make me.
I'm here wanting you to be here.
You're not here.
I'm here in my room wondering what that noise was.
I'm here coming to the conclusion that I don't care enough to go find out.
I'm hungry.
I'll go see what we have (or don't have) to eat.